Sydoline - 28/08/2012
We’re heading towards the end of this hot, tropical summer and autumn is approaching. It’s time to grow your fur back and get ready for the cold! We’ve decided to offer you a contest where your style may start a new trend on Transformice! Ladies and gentlemice, welcome to the “Draw your fur” contest!
Rules: The rules are simple: you’re given the outline of a mouse and you design your own fur pattern; of course keep it safe for work and stylish; you can’t change the shape of the mouse, only the tail – But it has to follow the same curve. Furthermore, don’t make innatural textures, a glowing green neon mouse wouldn’t be considered!
Post your entry here in this topic. You may submit only one entry, which will be rated by the admins.
Find the outline here :
Prizes: The winners will have their entry added to the game as a real buyable item! -1st : 400 Fraises + 1000 cheese + Fur added to the shop -2nd : 350 Fraises + 500 cheese + Fur added to the shop -3rd : 300 Fraises + 250 cheese + Fur added to the shop
Please note: the first item might be more expensive than the other ones. Each item will have to be reacreated by Melibellule too.
Dates : This event starts right now and you can submit your item until the 30th september. Results will be announced the 5th of october.
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Sydoline - 22/08/2012
EN: Since last Google Chrome update, Google Chrome users might experiencing some issues while trying to connect in game. If you’re one of them, we ask you to use an other web browser or to download the official standalone :
FR: Depuis la dernière mise à jour de Google Chrome, les utilisateurs de ce navigateur peuvent rencontrer certains problèmes en essayant de se connecter au jeu. Si vous êtes l’un d’entre eux, nous vous demandons d’utiliser un autre navigateur internet ou de télécharger la version exécutable officielle:
ES: Desde la ultima actualización de Google Chrome, los usuarios de ese navegador pueden tener problemas al intentar conectarse. Si usted es uno de esos, le sugerimos utilizar otro navegador o bajar el ejecutable oficial :
TR: Google Chrome’un son güncellenmesiyle, bu tarayıcıyı kullanan kişiler oyuna bağlanmakta güçlük çekebilmektelerdir. Onlardan biriyseniz başka bir tarayıcı kullanmanızı ya da adresinden indirebileceğiniz çalıştırılabilir resmi surum ile oyuna bağlanmanızı tavsiye ediyoruz.
Melibellule - 07/08/2012
Hi everyone !
As some of you know already, I did some comic strips for a booklet that we distributed at the convention Japan Expo in early July, but it was only in french ! Today, I’m proud to provide the english translation for those four pages, depicting the everyday life at the office by unveiling some unknown facts about the admins !
Page of Tigrounette
Page of Meli
Page of Sydoline
Page of Loukno